Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Birthday Boy

We had a super fun day today. First of all Tyler turned four years old today. I just can't believe it has been four years since he was born. The time has just flown by and he is becoming such a big kid. We woke up to a blanket of snow, not too much, but just enough that Papa and Kyle were able to go out and shovel the sidewalk. I think Kyle shoveled more
snow on himself than off the sidewalk, but he was having fun doing it and felt like such a big boy. It was sweet watching him and Papa working together. Later in the afternoon we had Tyler's party and Grammy, Papa, Aunt Shannon and Brett were all able to be there to wish him a happy birthday. Tyler was more interested in his batman cake than his presents and it took a little coaxing to get him to open all of them. After cake and ice-cream we headed to the Princess and the Frog, Tyler's choice. The boys loved it. All in all we had a very full day but lots and lots of fun. Hope this finds you all doing well and enjoying the holidays. Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Snowy days in Idaho. What a treat for my kids. They love the snow but have not had much experience with it since they have lived most of their lives in places that get little if any snow. They love to watch the big snowflakes fall to the ground but what they love even more is making snow angels in it and having snowball fights. Ryan even loves to get down and crawl in it and the boys loved giving him his first taste of snow. Along with the first snowfall, we also put up our Christmas tree. I was kind of dreading this task without Kelly, but it worked out wonderfully. Marge and Les (Kelly's parents) came down and helped decorate my whole house. Les even went as far as arranging bushy limbs (I don't know what the plant is called) into a hurricane vase that I didn't know what to do with. Les and Marge were up and down the ladder and in and out the door more times than I can count. What a true blessing they are to my family! I hope this finds all of our friends and family doing well and enjoying the holidays. Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Ryan's first steps

I have been trying to post this for a while, but I have been having a few issues. Ryan started walking right before Thanksgiving and just keeps getting steadier and steadier everyday. It is amazing how quickly it happens. This video is from right before Thanksgiving and he is having so much fun playing with Kyle. I think he might grow up to be a little tease, like his brother Tyler :-) Sorry about the music playing over their voices, but I am still working with the camcorder. Hopefully it will be better next time. Hope you enjoy the video.